Monday, October 11, 2010

PMI Congress - part 1

The PMI North America Congress began yesterday. This year there are a large number of agile tracks. PMI VP-IT Frank Schettini has been introducing the agile speakers to help spread the message that PMI does support agile.

Yesterday's keynote was Bill Clinton. While I didn't agree with his politics while he was in office, he kept his presentation relatively politic-free. At the end of the session, Greg Balestrero asked him what his hopes for where for the country in 5 years.

President Clinton said there were those hopes that we can't do anything about, like I hope it's a nice day tomorrow. Then there were hopes that should tell us what we should do with our lives. So if you hope for a better world, what can you do to help bring it about. When our founding fathers wrote the constitution, it was with the idea that we would never be perfect but that we should always be striving to getting better.

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