Thursday, March 04, 2010

Pecha Kucha competition

The PMI Agile Community of Practice is running a Pecha Kucha competition, “Confessions of an Agile Project Manager”.

Submit your own video in a Pecha Kucha format telling us your story. Perhaps it was a guerrilla project conducted quietly so as to deliver value without attracting too much attention, or maybe it was an organizational transformation. Whatever your experience, we want to hear from you, the community, about your experiences using Agile.

Anyone can submit and vote on their favorite, you don't have to be a member of PMI or the Agile CoP. Most importantly, we will have cash prizes for the three best submissions!
Submissions can be made to the PMIAgile YouTube group.

- March 5th: Contest officially begins
- May 10th: Last day to submit videos
- May 17th: Last day to vote on videos
- 1st Place: $1000
- 2nd Place: $750
- 3rd Place: $500

Anyone is eligible to submit and vote on videos

Video Format
Submitted videos should be in formatted as pecha kucha presentations. This is a power point (or similar presentation capability) showing 20 slides that auto-advance every 20 seconds, for a video that is 6:40 in length. Videos that deviate from this format significantly, while impressing us with their creativity, will not be considered for the competition.

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