Saturday, January 02, 2010

Book Review - Career Renegade

One of the books I received for Christmas was Career Renegade by Jonathan Fields. I'm about done with it and have really enjoyed it.

The focus of the book is on how to take something you like to do and make money at it. For example, one story in the book is about an artist that was able to find a niche market painting wineries and then selling them at the winery. The example was meant to show how even in a field that in general is hard to make money, this person was able to find a unique market.

A large part of the book focused on the on-line world. Topics like becoming a better blogger, using tools like Twitter or LinkedIn. The book has some very specific suggestions and places to go for help. Even if you aren't looking to start a new career, this book can help you improve your presence on line. I would recommend it to anyone looking for some ideas on increasing their personal brand awareness.

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