Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Road to Agility Workshop

Yesterday, with the help of Ron Montgomery, I co-ran a workshop on agile project management. This was a 1 day introduction to agile that was run in conjunction with the Kansas City PMI chapter. If you attended the class and are looking for the slides, click here.

The workshop went pretty well. It was tough getting everything that we wanted to cover included in a 1 day format. We received some feedback about running additional workshops that go into more detail on some topics.

What attendees seemed most interested in was how to sell agile in their organizations. What do you have to do to convince executives this is the way to go?

I think the highlight of the class was when we did a planning poker exercise. We had 50 attendees that we broke into 8 teams. Each team selected their PM and Product Owner. The remainder of the team were the "developers." After creating their user stories, each team went through the estimating process. There were some interesting discussions that followed as they tried to estimate the stories.

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