Friday, October 19, 2007

A Blog Carnival

Today I decided to share some of the blogs that I read. If you have other blogs that you like, or even write yourself, let me know.

Leading Answers is written by Mike Griffiths. I saw him speak on Agile PM at the PMI Global Congress this year. His blog contains practical advice for any PM.

I like keeping up on what's happening in technology. I have turned to ars technica as a good source of info. Along similar lines, but more focused on hardware (i.e., playtoys) is Engadget.

I remember reading Fast Company about 10 years ago when the idea of the personal brand first came out. If you want to work on improving your personal brand, then I suggest a visit to the Personal Branding Blog.

And to wrap things up, John Dvorak's blog. I listen to John as part of the crew of the TWIT podcast.

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