Monday, December 18, 2006

The Meaning of Christmas

Our church had an intersting service this week. The minister incorporated the story How the Grinch Stole Christmas into her talk. At first this might seem a bit odd, after all this is just a kid’s story. The point she was trying to make was how Christmas was an opportunity to let our hearts be open to love. We don’t try to find love; we just have to drop the barriers that keep it from finding us. That happened to the Grinch when he realized Christmas wasn’t about the gifts or the food, but that it was about people.

So there’s no real connection to project management here, or is there? Is project management about the tools and technology? Will we be happy if we have a get a great WBS for a present? Or is it about the people we work with?

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Peace!

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