Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Getting Things Done

I came across a good article yesterday about how to be more effective in getting things done, writtten by a former boss of mine, Shawn Kinkade. That article also had a link to 20 motivational tips, another article worth reading.

Interesting enough, Shawn's article mentions the book Getting Things Done by David Allen. I was talking to a friend yesterday and she also brought up this book. I don't really believe in coincidences, so there must be a reason I came across this book twice in a day.

One tip I find effective for getting things done is to identify my top three priorities at the start of each day and focus on those, avoiding distractions from other tasks and activities until they are done.

So what are your priorities for today? If you're reading this, I've already got one of mine done. Remember, it takes 21 days to adopt a new habit, so if you want to become more effective, pick a tip from one of the articles I mentioned and start today.

1 comment:

  1. Bob,

    Thanks for the link - I'm glad you liked the post and I definitely agree with your suggestion of focusing on the top priorities for the day.

