Wednesday, December 05, 2007


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” - The Dalai Lama

I saw this quote and thought it was worth repeating. Compassion is taking the time to be aware of other's distress. Working on projects can bring stress which can lead to distress. Are we as leaders taking time to be compassionate, or do we just keep pushing our team harder?


  1. I should have read this earlier, and maybe it would have reminded me to keep my cool with my discussion with a colleague...

  2. Hey, I'm back, I've tagged you to do a meme...pls check my site, meme

    Hope you find the time... ;)

  3. Hi,
    How nice to see compassion being discussed in the PM realm.

    Have you read my recent book The Zen Approach to Project Management?

    I think you will find that we are very much on the same wave length.
